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Inspiring Connections to Spirit With Love, Integrity, and Humor

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Angel statue

Mediumship readings

Mediums help us know that our loved ones are alive and well after they make their transition to the spirit world. Your loved ones will come through with messages of love and healing that helps us through our grief and allows us to find peace and comfort.

Image by Dan Farrell

Classes and Training

Everyone has the ability to connect to the Spirit world! You just have to practice tuning yourself to the right frequency. Katie offers ongoing classes and practice circles to help you gain insight into your own unique connection to the energetic world around you. More information is available by clicking the button below.

Navigating in Woods

Authentic Self Life Coaching

Everyone has access to their higher selves but sometimes we need a little help getting out of our own way to hear it! By using the gentle guidance of spirit and a healing modality called "Behavioral Kinesiology". Katie can help you release old traumas or beliefs clearing the way towards better present day decision making. Once we bring light to what is holding us back it allows us to truly be our AUTHENTIC SELVES and lead with our hearts.


Group Readings & Galleries

Periodically Katie schedules larger group or gallery style readings. Not everyone who attends is guaranteed a readings at these events, but everyone is able to witness the healing power of spirit and benefit from the gentle and magical way spirit brings people together. Please check the calendar for more info or visit Katie on Facebook for scheduling updates.

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"There is no living thing that does not have access to the spiritual world. It's available to all and their dedication to our joy never waivers. Self-love and appreciation are the vehicles that strengthen that connection. The less we choose to abandon ourselves, the more we become aware of the magic that has always existed around us. That magic and joy is your birthright and there for you always". 
~ Katie Vandi

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Each clients session or consultation is subject to the clients own interpretation. Any information provided does not reflect legal, medical, or financial advice. Any client receiving a session or consultation is responsible for their own actions and choices.

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