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About Katie

Katie has quite a story to tell! It's hard to fit it all in a few paragraphs but here is a summery about how Katie got started and some of her thoughts on working as a Medium and Holistic Nurse. 

Katie has been practicing Mediumship for over a decade and has been a nurse since her early 20's. It all started when a cousin of hers asked her if she wanted to attend a mediumship practice circle. Having no idea what would eventually come of this, Katie agreed and soon realized that the "crazy" feelings and thoughts she had since she was a child were beginning to make sense. 

It took a lot of courage, self-love, and the good fortune of being able to train with some of the best mediums, Katie finally found her own way of working with the spirit world. Katie still holds the oath she took many years ago as a nurse close to her heart and practices Mediumship with the same Integrity, empathy, and good humor as she did when she was at the bedside. 

Katie's hope is that through her connection with spirit she is able to prove the continuity of life; and allow spirit to help those of us still here in the physical world heal and know they are not alone. Mediumship after-all is a healing practice and should be treated as such; as a sacred reunion between the physical and spiritual world.

Katie is also a behavioral kinesiologist  and flower essence practitioner. Reiki master teacher and IET practitioner. 

In addition to working with the spirit world, Katie also helps to manage her families farm in Hamilton, MA. Meadowbrook is a huge part of her life and will always be very important to her for so many reasons. 

Katie has two beautiful children Thomas and Mia who have been the best teachers she has ever had. Their tenacity and joy remind her everyday that the dishes don't really matter. If you ever can't find Katie, check the garden or the woods. That's where she finds her own spirit; in among the fairies and the magic of flowers and plants. 

"No one is here to "heal" anyone else. We are here to INSPIRE each other into a vibration where we begin to remember our own special gifts and see ourselves as we truly are... Beings of unconditional love"  ~ Katie Vandi 

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