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Authentic Self Life Coaching

Everyone has access to their higher selves but sometimes we need a little help getting out of our own way to hear it! By using the gentle guidance of spirit and a healing modality called "Behavioral Kinesiology". Katie can help you release old traumas or beliefs clearing the way towards better present day decision making. Once we bring light to what is holding us back it allows us to truly be our AUTHENTIC SELVES and lead with our hearts.

This type of energy work puts the individual receiving the session in charge. You are the best source of information for yourself and this modality acts as a biofeedback tool allowing your body and higher self to tell the story. These sessions are where Katie's knowledge of the spiritual world blends with her practical medical knowledge. 

This is deeply healing work and brings light to our darkest of places. 

These sessions take generally about an hour and the investment is $150.00.

Please feel free to email Katie if you would like more information. 

Fairy Lights

"Mom, shadows can't survive in the sunlight. Did you know that"? -  My very insightful son Thomas

Authentic Self Life Coaching: Services
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