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Frequently Asked Questions

Are only certain people born mediums? Is it a gift that only certain people have?

 No. ANYONE has the potential to connect with the spirit world and the energetic world around them. Mediumship and psychic development can be compared to going to the gym. The more you work your psychic/mediumship muscle the stronger your connection becomes. 

For some this connection comes more naturally as with anything else. Compare it to math. Some people can do basic math but not calculus. We all have intuition (basic math) but some of us can very naturally talk to spirit (calculus). So, all of us have the POTENTIAL for developing mediumship or calculus :)

Is a phone or zoom reading just as good as an in person reading?

The short answer is, yes. Readings that are conducted over the phone or zoom are just as personal and authentic. Spirit works just the same!

I want to have a reading but I'm afraid I'll hear something bad.

A medium or psychic that is working from a place of love and integrity will always make sure you leave their presence feeling better than when you arrived. Membership is sacred, healing, and should be practiced without the presence of ego. Meaning, a mediums true goal should be for healing and to accurately portray loving messages from spirit. If the messages are not loving then they are not from spirit. Katie has always and will always practice with love and integrity.

Do pets come through in a reading?

Pets are part of the family so naturally they would come through during a reading. It's actually a very common way that spirit will bring forward evidence. It's very comforting to know that our loved ones are enjoying the afterlife with our four legged friends.


I recently lost a loved one. Do I have to wait a certain period of time before receiving a reading?

This really can be answered on a case by case basis. It is generally recommended however that one takes into consideration their own grieving process before considering a reading. The time after loosing a loved one is fragile and should be treated with great care. Providing yourself time to process and grieve is recommended before receiving a reading so, as a general rule waiting several months is recommended. However, every circumstance is different and if you have questions please  email Katie and she will gladly discuss further.

How often can I schedule a reading?

Katie recommends waiting roughly 6 - 8 months between mediumship readings with her. However, booking life coaching sessions can be done as you are guided to do so.

Do I need to bring anything with me to my session?

Some very practical things you may bring with you are a notebook and pen or a recording device. A beverage to stay hydrated is good idea but certainly not necessary. A friend for support is always welcome too. But, the most important thing to bring with you is an open mind and an open heart!

Can any of my loved ones come through in a reading? What if I want to hear from someone very specific? Or on the contrary what if I don't want to hear from a specific family member?

Yes. Any person that you have know here in the physical world that has crossed into spirit can come through during a reading. The medium generally has little control over who comes through and who does not. However, spirit never gets it wrong and always knows who you need to hear from and what you need to hear from them. There are many reasons why a spirit would or would not come through but, it is never because they are not okay!

In some instances a client has had an abusive family member that has crossed to spirit and there may be a level of fear associated with them coming through. This will be addressed on an individual basis. Katie is empathetic and non-judgmental regarding family history and any feelings associated with that can be validated and confidentially discussed. 

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