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Bottles of Homeopathy Globules

Goup Sessions

Group sessions and home gatherings can be a really unique way to experience the magic of spirit! Katie's sense of humor will create a very fun and engaging atmosphere for you to be able to experience your loved ones. 

Home gatherings can be conducted in several ways:

Host a gathering with no more then six people. Each participant will receive a PRIVATE 20 minute reading. 

Investment would be $50.00 per participant. This ensures everyone who attends gets a reading. 

Host a gathering with more than 6 people and everyone who attends will be read TOGETHER as a group. This set up does not guarantee everyone get a direct reading but everyone will be able to witness the miracles of spirit. 

Investment is $50.00 per participant.


Hire Katie for an event at your venue!

If you are a healing/metaphysical center and are interested in booking a larger ticketed event at your center please contact me directly at

Group Readings and Gatherings: Services
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